Mereside Academy

Learn to Love, Love to Learn

Remote Learning

In order to make Remote Learning resources more accessible, we have adapted this page to include work and links to online lessons. 

Our Home Learning Team have been very busy providing video lessons for Mereside Pupils. We would like you to use these lessons to enhance the learning at home, as well as give your child the opportunity of seeing familiar faces from school. Along side this, please continue using fantastic resources such as


Website Links for excellent learning opportunities 

 EYFS Home Learning Websites.docxDownload
 Year 3 and 4 Home Learning Websites.docxDownload
 Year 5 and 6 Home Learning Websites.docxDownload
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EYFS Home Learning resources and Links

Find more lessons on the Mereside KS1 You tube channel

Year 1 and 2 Home Learning Resources and Links

Find more lessons on the Mereside KS1 You tube channel

Year 3 and 4 Home Learning Resources and Links

Showing 1-1 of 1
 Monday - 8.6.20 - English session 5.pptxDownload
 Tuesday - 9.6.20 - English session 6.pptxDownload
 Wednesday - 10.6.20 - English session 7.pptxDownload
 Thursday - 11.6.20 - English session 8.pptxDownload
 Friday - 12.6.20 - English session 9.pptxDownload
 Monday - 15.6.20 - English session 10.pptxDownload
 Tuesday - 16.6.20 - English session 11.pptxDownload
 Wednesday - 17.6.20 - English session 12.pptxDownload
 Thursday - 18.6.20 - English session 13.pptxDownload
 Friday - 19.6.20 - English session 14.pptxDownload
Showing 1-10 of 11

Year 5 and 6 Home Learning Resources and Links

 Rhiswanozebtah Information Text.pdfDownload
 The Game.pdfDownload
 Wonderful Wizards.pdfDownload
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Transition to Secondary School

Moving up to secondary school should be an exciting time in your life. We find ourselves in a strange situation where we can't visit the school or have a 'move up day'. Here are some ideas of what you can do to help yourself feel better about September.


  1. Visit your new school's website. The year 7 teams have put together transition videos, virtual tours, frequently asked questions and meet the teachers information. You can also look at the uniform, what clubs are available and times of day.

2. Have a look through these resources. There are lots of activities that you can complete that could help you work through things that are making you anxious.

 Being Brave.pdfDownload
 KS2 Rise Above Transition to Secondary School.pdfDownload
 Rise Above Transition to Secondary School KS2.pptxDownload
 Transition Scenarios.pdfDownload
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