Mereside Academy

Learn to Love, Love to Learn

Home Learning during Industrial Action Days...

BBC Newsround

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Useful links

Have you been set some research homework by your teacher? Do you know where to look? Below are a number of websites which have helpful information for you to read through. There are also revision websites so you can make sure you are ready for any tests that are going on in school.

National Geographic Kids

This website is packed with information about all things Geographic and Scientific. Take a look at country profiles, see stunning images of jungles or watch videos of penguins in their natural habitat.


Science Museum

The Science Museum has a great section with information about different subjects like transport, computers and more. There are also links to different objects in the museum, as well as the latest science news.


Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum has a kids section with lots of information on dinosaurs, as well as other living things. Watch the museum's live webcams and  flesh-eating beetles live at work! 


KS2 Bitesize Revision

Use this website to help when revising for any tests in English, Maths or Science. Aimed at Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. It has lots of games and activities to help you learn what you need to, when you need to.


KS1 Bitesize Revision

For year 1 and 2 to revise and practise their learning. Also great for older pupils who want to make sure they have the basics. There are English and Maths activities on here as well as games.



Newsround is a BBC News website for children. There are lots of videos and articles to help you keep up-to-date on what is going on in the world around you. Sections include sport, entertainment, animals and news.

NOTE: While we have taken time to pick out websites that we see suitable and safe for our children, Mereside CE Primary School is not responsible for the content found on these sites.

Use the links below to access our two most popular learning platforms 

Lots more to explore below!

Let's go outdoors! Ideas to help children learn and play over the summer

The Body Coach- Free exercise videos on his youtube site.

Lots of exercise ideas and PE sessions.

CLPE website- Authors reading their books aloud!

Whilst you are creating your new book why not illustrate it too?

Sign up for free! Great maths, spelling and grammar resources.

Excellent problem of the day and guidance for home learning.

Brilliant site for inspiration and Live Lessons.

Free phonics resources for March- Username- march20 Password- home

A whole world of  free ebooks!

Excellent site for a physical challenge- FREE to register!

Weekly science news clips with an access guide to gather your thoughts and responses to events.

Great inspiration for exploring our amazing planet!

A great place for book inspiration and fun!

A good old fashioned game of strategy!

Plenty of Poetry and Prose!

Lots of fun educational games for you to enjoy.

Maths Games for Kids.

An amazing resource for history.

Fun activities and games to help you learn about the natural world!

Nature Detective activities and information about the countryside around you.

Excellent maths investigations and challenges!

Phonics Fun.

Lots of fun and challenging maths activities!

Lots of resources for different subjects!

Times table trainer.

Activities around being green.

Great fun educational games!

Get racing these frogs!!

Great nature activities.

Excellent coding resource.

A classic memory game!

Good fun game to help counting and turn taking.

Amazing art resources.

Early maths activities.

Wild and wonderful nature activities.

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Engenuity Museum11Mar2025

@ Coalbrookdale, Ironbridge

Assessment Week17Mar2025

@ Mereside School

Whole School

Year 6 Arthog Residential Trip31Mar2025

@ Arthog, Wales

Think Tank Trip 6 - Year 401Apr2025

@ Birmingham

Home Farm Trip - EYFS03Apr2025

@ Attingham

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