Mereside Academy

Learn to Love, Love to Learn

Getting Involved


If you would like to volunteer help in school you will be very welcome. Your help with activities such as art and craft, cookery, games or sharing a story will be much appreciated by the children and staff. It will also add that little extra to the life of the school. We are always grateful for your time and enthusiasm in the classroom.

If you have a special skill to offer, or simply invaluable time and enthusiasm, please do let us know!I



Our Commitment to You 

As one of our valued volunteers, we are committed to giving you the following:

  • a friendly and supportive working environment;
  • enthusiastic children;
  • an opportunity to contribute to decisions about how volunteering in the school is managed;
  • recognition for the work that you do and its impact on learning;
  • a reference if you apply for paid work here or elsewhere.


Your Commitment to us 

Please be aware that you will be required to undergo an enhanced DBS check. If you are not known to the school we also ask that you provide two referees and attend an informal interview. You will also be required to attend child protection training.

We are well aware that your time and energies are given freely and willingly. Most volunteers work in school at a set time each week, and if you can commit to this for at least half a term, we would find this helpful. However, we do not insist that you commit to working for a fixed or indefinite period of time, or give notice when you wish to stop volunteering at Mereside. We do ask that you agree to and abide by the guidance found in the Volunteer Handbook, issued to you when you apply to volunteer.

We would also ask that you let us know if you have made an arrangement that you later find you cannot keep. Your work is valuable to the school and staff may have been counting on you to help with an activity. Just give us a call as soon as you know you cannot come.



As mentioned above anyone volunteering or undertaking work experience in our school will be required to undergo and enhanced DBS check and Child Protection training.

If at any time when working in the school you have concerns for the welfare or safety of a child please seek to share your concern as soon as possible with the Designated Safeguarding Lead or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Mrs Liz Holmes (headteacher)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding leads are: Mr Jason Gathercole, Mrs Ffion Carr and Mrs Rachel Harper


We appreciate the help that all our volunteers give in supporting the work of the school.




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Latest School Events

Engenuity Museum11Mar2025

@ Coalbrookdale, Ironbridge

Assessment Week17Mar2025

@ Mereside School

Whole School

Year 6 Arthog Residential Trip31Mar2025

@ Arthog, Wales

Think Tank Trip 6 - Year 401Apr2025

@ Birmingham

Home Farm Trip - EYFS03Apr2025

@ Attingham

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