Learn to Love, Love to Learn
At Mereside Church of England Primary Academy, we aim to provide a high-quality mathematics education that will help our pupils to acquire a deep, long-term, and adaptable understanding of mathematics. Maths lessons are taught through a chosen scheme of learning (White Rose Maths), that are carefully ordered to build upon prior learning in small, manageable steps. Our teaching is also supported by concrete and pictorial resources before children move onto abstract concepts. We strive to develop curious mathematicians who are excited about challenge and so our curriculum is designed to support the development of reasoning and problem solving alongside fluency to ensure challenge and ambition for all pupils.Our mathematics curriculum promotes discussion, perseverance and questioning with the aim to motivate our children to continue to thrive as passionate mathematicians beyond primary education.
At Mereside Church of England Primary Academy, we aim for each child to:
At Mereside CE Primary Academy, we use the White Rose Maths overview to ensure mathematical concepts are embedded into children’s working memory so that children know more and remember more. Our mathematic lessons have the following fundamental characteristics:
At Mereside CE Primary Academy, pupils talk enthusiastically about their maths learning and this is evident in the conversations they have with teachers and with each other. We measure the impact of our curriculum using the following methods:
Times Table Rockstars and NumBots Launch Days!
On Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th of February 2024, we took part in two spectacular re-launch days for the Times Table Rockstars and NumBots platforms. Children were invited to come into school dressed as a rock star (Year 2-6) or a robot (EYFS-Year 1) and explore the appropriate platform as well as take part in different activities linked to developing maths fluency. We were lucky enough to have some musicians from Shrewsbury College perform for to launch the two days!
Experiences of Maths in the Wider World
At Mereside Church of England Primary Academy, we believe that it is incredibly important for children to have opportunities to apply their mathematical understanding to real life experiences. These opportunities allow them to understand how maths is all around us and the importance of these skills in the outside world.
In November 2023, children from Year 1 - Year 4 had the opportunity to participate in a Maths Money Workshop run by Principality Building Society. The workshop used engaging and interactive activities to teach children about money including coin recognition, the value of money (bag of sweets vs a trip to the cinema etc), how to earn money (chores around the house) and spending versus saving.
Useful Websites to Support Your Child’s Learning
NumBots | Motivational maths practice for schools and families
Play Prodigy (prodigygame.com)
If you require a copy of your child's login details for Times Tables Rock Stars or NumBots, please contact your child's class teacher.