Mereside Academy

Learn to Love, Love to Learn

Keeping Safe Online


The government have released information on how to be more aware of what your child is viewing online, especially during the Covid-19 crisis. 

The internet is a fantastic resource for research and schoolwork, but make sure your child takes regular breaks away from the screen. If you find that they are spending a lot of time online and even thinking about it when they're offline (instead of spending time with family) then maybe it’s time to back off a bit.

There’s a whole world out there – and while the internet can be fun, creative and social, your child could be missing out on real life.


Where can I get help from?

Monthly online safety newsletter

 Online Safety Newsletter May 2024_Mereside Shropshire_30-04-2024.pdfDownload
 Online Safety Newsletter Primary April 2023_Mereside Shropshire_30-03-2023.pdfDownload
 Online Safety Newsletter Primary December 2022_Mereside Shropshire.pdfDownload
 Online Safety Newsletter Primary February 2024_Mereside Shropshire_31-01-2024.pdfDownload
 Online Safety Newsletter Primary January 2023_Mereside Shropshire.pdfDownload
 Online Safety Newsletter Primary July 2023_Mereside Shropshire_30-06-2023.pdfDownload
 Online Safety Newsletter Primary June 2023_Mereside Shropshire_05-06-2023.pdfDownload
 Online Safety Newsletter Primary June 2024_Mereside Shropshire_03-06-2024.pdfDownload
 Online Safety Newsletter Primary March 2023_Mereside Shropshire.pdfDownload
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Click on the picture below for E-Safety support and advice 

BBC Own It has excellent advice and films for appropriate and safe use of the internet.

If you are concerned about anything to do with online conduct or communication click the CEOP link to report any issues.