Mereside Academy

Learn to Love, Love to Learn

Mereside Academy News

The latest news stories from Mereside Academy.


News Stories

  • Money Raised for The Children's Society
    At the beginning of December 2020 classes took part in Christingle celebrations and took home card collection boxes to be filled with loose change to be donated to The Children’s Society.
  • Come Casual `Wear it Wild' Day - Friday 28th May
    Squirrels class are raising awareness for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). They have organised a come casual day for Friday 28th May, 2021 (the last day of half term).
  • Free School Transport for Secondary School
    Parents/carers of year 6 pupils, wishing to apply for free school transport from Sept 2021, should do so by 31st May 2021. Information is available on this website, please go to Virtual Office, Latest News & Events, Other School letters & information.
  • Comic Relief Red Nose Day 2021
    A big 'thank you' to everyone who donated and took part in our come casual day on Friday 19th March, raising money for Comic Relief. We raised a fantastic £344.76 for this worthwhile cause.
  • Half Day Closure on Thursday 1st April, 2021
    In recognition of the commitment & hard work school staff have shown throughout the pandemic, St. Chad's Academies Trust have awarded every member of staff half a day's leave. School will close at 11.45am for KS2 and at 12.00pm (midday) for EYFS & KS1.
  • Comic Relief Red Nose Day 2021
    Friday 19th March is red nose day! Children can come to school dressed in casual clothes for a minimum donation of £1 per child. If your child does not wish to take part or you do not wish to donate, please ensure your child wears full school uniform.
  • Families can take-up rapid testing offer
    Lateral Flow Tests made available for families of school age pupils.
  • Shrewsbury Food Hub
    Please find below the details of the Shrewsbury Food Hub. They provide food that supermarkets have donated that is near its sell by date and can't be sold.
  • Year 2 Nativity Display
    Please enjoy the work completed by our Year2 classes to celebrate the story of the Nativity. Have a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous and healthy New Year. Mr Gathercole
  • Reception Intake September 2021- Closing date for applications; 15th January, 2021
    Children who were born between 1st September 2016 and 31st August 2017 can start primary school from September 2021. The closing date for applications is 15th January, 2021. Please apply online using the link below.
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